Trading Detox- Here’s Proof You Need a Vacation from Your Phone (Infographic)

According to our study, traders miss on all sorts of good things and end up over-trading (losing money) because of their mobile devices

By: Colibri Trader


Think about how different things used to be before the mobile-era. It was another world when kids were “head-up”, reading books, paying attention to their peers and playing outdoors without incessantly posting pictures on Instagram or browsing through Facebook/Twitter.

Today people are unseparated from their mobile devices. This couldn’t be more true for trading. It is not necessarily a good thing. In fact, I look at it as a recipe for disaster. Summer months are coming and you should be taking a break from trading. Surprisingly, the discomfort many people feel when separated from their cellphones is a real thing. Can you imagine going on your next holiday and not checking the status of your long-term positions? Can you imagine being on an exotic excursion and not checking where DAX or EUR/USD has gone.

Skeptical? Check out the infographic below, which is full with statistics showing how mobile devices are obstructing traders from living in the moment, or trading reasonably. Check it out now.


Trading Detox

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