How Is Football Tactics Similar To Elliott Wave in Trading (Infographic)

According to our infographic below, football shares a lot of similarities with trading and particularly Elliott Wave Theory- can that be profitable for you?

by: Colibri Trader

In the dawn of the football season, a lot of traders are flipping between the charts and the football stats. It is totally normal- two competitive disciplines could be equally exciting for the risk-taker. Is it possible that they both do have things in common?

The idea of comparing those two (seemingly different) fields was born just minutes before the Euro 2016 final game. Watching the football statistics is actually closer to looking for the next impulsive move than one can expect. In the 5- Minute Guide below I have exposed my point of view. Do you believe that the 5 Minute Guide was helpful? SHARE it with your friends (even if they are not football fans or traders). Help me help others by getting 10,000 likes or more by connecting people with different interests together! LET THE BETTER ONE WIN and LET’S GET 10,000 LIKES!

How Is Football Tactics Similar To Elliott Wave in Trading (Infographic)

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