EUR/USD Trading Signal Followers

The trading signal from last time has been activated. Unfortunately, it is not showing great signs of bullish bias from the lower timeframes. That is why I have cut 70% of my position. Ideally, I wanted to see a bearish rejection, after which I would have added more to the long trade. But since this has not happened, I am becoming more hesitant running this trade. On top of that, as I said yesterday, the trade is riskier, since it is against the trend, so probably only the most aggressive ones of you have taken it. I am still having 30% of the original trade open, so will wait and see.
Today’s trading signal is coming from EUR/USD. I can see some bearish rejection on the daily timeframe. The candle that has formed is a pin bar. The area that it has formed is just above the 1.1100 support area. The lower timeframes are giving me additional confirmation for the bullish behaviour of the market participants. My entry would be a long at 1.1150. The stop should be placed just under the level of 1.1075. The first target is the level of 1.1400.
Happy Trading,
Colibri Trader
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